Interview: Bridgette Mackenzie

Welcome to our newest Acorn team member… BRIDGETTE 🎉
You may have met her already on a studio shoot, at a wedding, or in one of Dunedin's many coffee shops (she loves a coconut flat white). Driven and efficient, Bridgette helps us stay organised here at Acorn, and she'll be your right-hand woman when organising a shoot. On our latest blog, we sit down with Bridgette and get to know her more. Meet Bridgette 🙋‍♀️


Tell us a little bit about yourself. Who is Bridgette Mackenzie?

Bridgette MacKenzie is an evolving concept haha. All laughs aside, I would describe myself as an organized creative, an intentional friend, and a curious individual. I am driven to bring a high level of excellence to everything I put my hand to. I am striving to embrace the moment and master the art of grit and grace.


How did you hear of Acorn Studio?

I can’t actually recall how I came across Acorn Studio, but however I did, it was love at first sight! I was drawn to their style of creative expression, but more than that, I was enthralled with the way Acorn genuinely cared about the individual on the other side of their lens and was interested in who they were. To me, this speaks volumes about the care, intentionality, and ethos of the business.


What are you most excited to learn/grow/achieve in your new role with Acorn Studio?

I am excited to work with our incredible clients, and bring their vision to life as we get to know the individual behind the name. I’m also really excited to continue developing my knowledge of the industry and gain confidence as I refine my own creative skills.


What is your favourite thing so far about the Acorn/Gravity workplace?

  1. The community - Hands down this is one of my favourite aspects, and I always look forward to coming to work. The team culture has been one of the most inclusive I’ve been a part of and as a small team, we all have each others’ back. 

  2. The ethos - I feel so privileged to work at a business where our personal and professional values align so closely.

  3. The aesthetic - It’s such a beautiful space to work in!


What do you do when you aren’t working here at Acorn Studio?

You’ll most likely find me holed up with a delicious coffee working on a project, spending time with treasured friends (likely with some sort of delicious food involved), on a FaceTime with my family as I try to get my puppy’s attention, or curled up in bed as I decompress from the day (hello to my fellow introverts, I see you 😉)


What are you looking forward to in the year to come?

I have no firm plans for what the year ahead will hold (if anything, this year has been about flexibility and fluidity). However, I am really looking forward to wrapping my arms around friends and family once our lockdowns are over, and not letting go for a loooong moment. I’m also really excited for summer evenings under the sun and exploring more of the rugged beauty that the South Island has to offer.


We are 10 months into the year. What has 2021 taught you?

Make space for what’s important to you, otherwise, life will happen to you. Nurture your dreams, because no one else will. Create space to laugh with friends because your to-do list will always be the constant companion that can wait.


Who are three people (dead or alive) that you would have brunch with?

Brenē Brown, Michelle Obama, and the Queen.


Aaaand what would your brunch order be?

Without fail, the waffles at Catalyst here in Dunedin.


What is a secret talent you have?

I used to memorize a friend’s timetable at high school who was in a completely different year group to me and remind her about any upcoming classes or assignments. I seem to have a knack for remembering details about other people, but I can’t say that translates to my own life haha.


A gadget you couldn’t live without?

Be honest... how millennial is it to respond by saying my phone? 🤷🏼‍♀️ 


A guilty pleasure?

Every year I look forward to the cheesy and cringe-worthy Christmas movies that Netflix produces each year. For a whole day in December, you’ll catch me in bed, binge-watching these.


What music gets you vibing?

I recently discovered a playlist on Spotify called Dopamine, and it never fails to lift my mood.


What is your current life motto?

My sticky notes are ever-changing, but my current one says “Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.”


What is an unusual habit or an absurd thing that you love?

’ll never turn down pickles, and will happily just sit and eat them from a jar as a snack.


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